We are back from a little break! Sometimes life throws something unexpected at us and we have to juggle something new. But, entrepreneurship is a journey and an adventure, and every little side quest gives us new experiences. I’m finishing out Season One and we are talking about burnout, prioritizing rest, boundaries, toxic cultures, and more.
I wanted to share a little Welcome Back episode with you to give you a little update. Business was business-ing and I had to take a temporary hiatus from the podcast due to the demands of my pet sitting business. I thankfully have had a few great weekends to recharge and I’m back in my studio chair and feeling refreshed as I get back into the swing of things.
These last few episodes of the season are, I hope, impactful for how you think about the relationship between you and your business. If you are heading into a busy season or work like I am, know that NOW is the time to prioritize learning how to rest and recharge. If you can’t practice resting now, you will definitely struggle to find that time when life and business get busy. If you can’t recharge your own batteries, you can’t possibly serve your clients as well as they deserve or to your normal expectations.
I really encourage everyone to go to PetSitterBurnout.com to take our Burnout Assessment. It is only 15 questions, and it will tell you where you are currently at on the Burnout Scale. While there is always room for improvement, if you score in the middle or are in acute, chronic burnout, you need to make changes now. There is no time to waste. Head over to PetSitterBurnout.com right now and get started on your assessment.
Then, I just want to say thank you again for being a part of this podcast. I have so enjoyed getting to share this journey with you. I love getting to cheer you on, so if you have a rest and recharge goal you are working to make a habit, reach out so we can be part of your cheer squad!
Episode Links:
Not One More Vet
Burnout Assessment
Perfectly imperfect transcript generated by Descript:
[00:00:00] Hey everyone. Welcome to the lucky pup podcast. I’m your host, Morgan Weber, and I just wanted to pop in real quick. You haven’t heard from me for a few weeks because you know, to be honest, sometimes life and business just happen. And I love, absolutely love doing this podcast. It has been a highlight of the last six months for me.
[00:00:21] And. It has been so much fun to get to talk with you, get to talk with my good friends in business and be able to bring kind of these two worlds of mine together. But when I started this podcast, I knew I do it in the season because I am still in the field, quote unquote, for our pet sitting business.
[00:00:41] And I knew that I had time this fall to make this podcast happen, do the recordings, get in and edit all of them. And I knew that at some point in the spring that my life would get a little bit more busy as our pet sitting work was going to pick up. And that It would just become a time where, you know, I needed to put the podcast on pause and take care of business.
[00:01:05] And then I could come back again. And well, you know, it happened a little bit sooner this year than I was anticipating. So I want to thank you for still listening, even though we’ve been on a little bit of a hiatus here, a little bit of a break. And I have had a. Pretty great last couple of weeks. I got to go to the Texas pet sitters conference.
[00:01:24] I got to go to the NAPS, the national association of professional pet sitters conference, meet a lot of new friends, reconnect with old friends, and it really. Just filled my cup. I’ve gotten to recharge, which is a big thing that I am passionate about and now I am getting back in my studio chair in back in front of the computer, getting caught up on all of the work things that got put to the side while I was, doing more of walks and, and pet sitting and all of these things that needed to be done.
[00:01:54] So I am back at it. I’ve got a few more episodes for you guys before we take a real. Pause between season one and season two. So more episodes are coming. Stay tuned to finish off this season, and I’m really excited because this next episode that you’re going to hear is from Dr. Danita. She’s a mobile veterinarian. You’re going to hear some pretty impactful things here in the next few weeks. We chat about burnout. We’re talking boundaries. We are talking toxic culture. We are talking about how to find a balance in your life between having to work really hard and paying those bills and also Knowing that you have to prioritize time for yourself.
[00:02:39] So there’s some big stuff here, some big topics in these last couple of weeks. And I want to throw out to you that I do have a burnout assessment. It is on our website. You can find it at pet sitter burnout. com. It’s on the same website, actually, where the podcast is also hosted. So if you go to our host page, you can find it there as well.
[00:03:00] But I would love for you guys to go and check out that assessment. As you’re listening to these next few episodes, I want you to really think about how you are curating your business and your life. Because busy season is coming. If you are anything like us, if you are in the pet sitter world, you’re busy season is coming.
[00:03:20] And. You need to find a way to prioritize yourself and prioritize rest, not only in the slow seasons, but also in the busy seasons. So hop on over petsitterburnout. com, take that burnout assessment, see where you currently are. There’s three of burnout that I have identified. You’ve got the beginning. You’ve got that middle portion. And then you’ve got the acute chronic burnout. And I like to say we can always make improvements no matter where we’re at on that assessment, no matter where we are on a scale. There is always room for improvement, but especially if you are in that middle or that acute stage, you really have to focus and make a priority to make time to recharge, make time to rest because the world needs you. The world needs your business. They need you to be able to show up as your full self, and we cannot do that if our battery is empty. What happens with your phone, right? You got to plug it in between visits.
[00:04:21] You got to plug it in at the end of the day. You got to recharge that battery. We are no different. Without that time to recharge, we cannot be there for our clients like they deserve for us to be there. So I’m going to say it again. PetSitterBurnout. com. Head over. It’s a short 15 question assessment. Take that. See where you’re sitting, listen to these next few weeks of episodes and figure out maybe where you might need to start making some changes. If you’re not quite sure, find a safe person, have a chat about that. Reach out, see if maybe there are ways to plug in and find a better balance for you. And I, I say balance, but I also say that balance is false. There is no such thing as balance. We are always spinning plates, and some things start to wobble, and some plates start to fall. Balance doesn’t really exist, but you do have to find a way to manage all of these things. And, you know, sometimes that looks like handing things off. Sometimes it looks like just being okay with things not always being done. That’s okay too. Got to find those priorities. There’s so much we can get into. I, I don’t even want to get started here because that’s going to turn into a whole episode on its own.
[00:05:33] And that was not the intent of this. This is supposed to be a little welcome, welcome back from our break episode here. So. With that, I’m going to let you get to Dr. Donita. I’m very excited for you to hear from her. And, you know, I want to just point out that you’re going to hear some harder things maybe in this podcast.
[00:05:53] Um, the vet industry as a whole has very high rates of burnout, of. If you maybe have heard of the, phrase, not one more vet, there is a lot that happens and there’s a lot that happens, I think, between our two industries and we are not vets, you know, but we can, a lot of us, I think, understand and appreciate the challenges that they have.
[00:06:17] And we can feel some empathy and some sympathy between our allied industries. So with that, here’s Dr. Danita.