Important Puppy Raising Tips

Everyone loves bringing a puppy home and all the excitement that goes with the waggly tails and puppy kisses! But as the excitement settles down and it is time to start focusing on setting your pup up for their best life, there are some things that can help set you up for success on your journey.   

A small white dog on a walk

Prepare to make the most of your time together: The most important step in raising your new puppy is to build a positive and trusting relationship with them! Get to know what they like and don’t like, take notes on their personality traits and quirks as well as their play style. All of these are important to ensure that you can set them up to have confidence building Happy Exposures in their life.

Understand how to keep them safe:  As much as we want to spend all our time with our new addition, it is a vital skill for our puppies to learn how to be by themselves and to decompress. Teaching them how to love their kennel is vitally important. This will help protect them from getting into mischief and help limit their potty accidents. Another skill it helps teach is how to relax and settle down for a nap. It is also helpful to keep them on leash to ensure their need for exploring doesn’t lead to trouble!

Prepare them for the big wide world: Puppies also need good life skills in order to be equipped to handle all of life’s adventures by your side. This is more than just meeting people, it is also happy exposure to new places and things. The more good experiences they have with new things, the better chance you will have that they won’t worry about it in the future. As they grow and build a relationship with you, not only will they enjoy your company, they will look to you for guidance and cues on how to behave in situations that are new. As you learn their play style, you can use that to have fun with them- and as a reward for good behavior and training!

Start exploring: Remember that your puppy is ready for you to help them have the best life, but it’s up to us to pave the way for them! There is so much more to raising a happy puppy! Check out our Lucky Pup Guide to learn what it means to help your pup live a full and happy lifeAlso, our Happy Exposures ebook is essential for all new puppy parents! This ebook contains detailed information and checklists to help your puppy put their best paw forward! You don’t want to miss this ebook!

Ready to give your pet their best life? Check out our Lucky Pup Explorers program. This is our special online community for  Lucky Pup Families. Members get additional support and resources to explore how to live their best lives together with their pets! Join our program today!